Sunday, July 8, 2012

a little respite

It's been almost three weeks since I last posted. Eh, what do you want? Summer is for little routine and lazy days although I think I've been anything but lazy.

I took two of the three boys off to Hawaii - Oahu actually. The firstborn was unable to attend due to a prior commitment (read summer school). It was my first trip anywhere in that great state and it did not disappoint.

The kids all slept late and the peaceful quiet were all mine to savor. I got to wake up to this view every single day.   This picture was snapped at about sunrise (also known as the latest I could sleep!)

Boys played in the sand and worked on their tans.

We visited the land of "Lost" (supposedly though I don't know for sure).

They jumped off Waimea Rock.

And played in the surf.

We visited a piece of history.

And Danny was asked to drive the boat!

We capped it off with a luau.  The boys (and me too!) enjoyed themselves - can you tell?

Best of all, I can home with a lot of these:

I hope everyone is enjoying a nice summer.  More news later....just waiting for things to settle down.
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