Yah, yah. It's been awhile. I'm getting it done, out of the way. Here's my recap for the year including the look back at what I set out to accomplish for my
year of growth. I'm saving the pictures for the end. (I like to make things pretty with pictures because everyone knows I love pictures.)
Playing more pool. I score high on the commitment to improve my game. Unfortunately the result was not as I had hoped. But that's okay. I'm not giving up any time soon.
Getting my swing on. Major success in this department. I think I've logged more hours on the course this past year than in the past 3 years. And it shows in my swing and my score. Index is down over three points!
Exercise - Indeed a positive note here. Walking the golf course more frequently than not is definitely a checkmark in the exercise bucket. Even better than that? I've started running again. Not one, but two races - logging my best 5K time yet! The weather lately has hampered my running but not for long. The garage is getting cleaned out and my treadmill soon will be running or, more accurately, I will be running on it.
Writing. Ah, yes. This is my epic fail for the year. I haven't decided what to do in this regard. Only time will tell.
Reading. Hmmm, cannot say epic fail but definitely not where I want to be. On the plus side, I recently started a book and I have a few others on the nightstand waiting for me.
Friendships. I think a plus on this one. At least I hope I've been there more for my friends. I think 2013 will be a bigger year with more reaching out.
Career focus. I think a big plus on this one. A new job at an awesome company. Lots of growth potential. Some additional volunteer commitments in this space too. No negative here.
New clothes - one article a month. Well, I started the year well but haven't kept to my promise. Let's see if I can turn it around again in 2013.
Purge, reinvent, learn. I moved, therefore I purged. I spent weekends purging. I am still purging. This is an easy win for me. Reinvention, well not so much. But I am focusing on what I like and what I want to do to be the person I want to be. I think that's good enough. Learning - always.
Okay, now that I've checked in on my year of growth, here are a few of my favorite pics from the year. I'll take you month-by-month through some of the best memories.
February - just being silly with Henry and Sam up in Tahoe.
But who loves their mama?
March - getting in a few pow-pow runs - Mott Canyon for those of you wondering.
I also got to meet George Thorogood courtesy of Roland!
Vegas in May, of course!
June held Danny's 8th grade graduation.
and a trip to
including our first luau....
July I saw a baseball game. Um, why yes, that would be the San Francisco Giants (aka World Series Champs!)...
And we also
lost a very special family member.
August - a typical meet-up for drinks with dear friends.
It also was when someone got his first car!
big move in
October was my first "race". Okay, not really a race, it was the Dirty Girl Mud Run and it was fun!
November showed me why early morning runs are the best.
December meant dinner with friends and co-workers.
And Christmas parties...
with MC Hammer as special DJ!
Not a bad year. And remember ...