64 blog posts sitting unread in my reader. 64. Really?
I've been super busy with work. My big project that's been in the works for the past six and a half months is now in the last six weeks (hopefully) and it's crunch time. I'm not checking personal email or Facebook much at work, which I'm sure my employer is happy about. I'm certainly not posting much either, not as much as I'd like.
But 64 unread posts. When is it too many? When is it too much? I need to find that balance that folks like Kristen over at Motherese struggle with as well.
I am hesitant to give up any of them - blogs or friends. I connected with them for a reason. Regular or not, they are a part of my life. How would I choose? Who would stay and who would go? Most importantly to me, what would I miss? I don't mean miss as in the sense of loss. I mean miss as in failed to experience - the little nuggets of goodness from the funny stories, the calls to think, the things that keep me connected.
Recently a friend of mine posted on her Facebook status, "I've just deleted 104 friends!" At first I was surprised. Why would anyone do that? But now that I've thought about it more, maybe I should prune too. It feels like pruning would equate with simplification. I like that concept. Prune my Facebook friends to those that are core; prune my blogs to only those I regularly read. I want to see more of the people I truly like. I need to to disregard the rest so I can focus on them, to be more connected to them. 64 is too much.
Do you prune? Do you think pruning equates to simplification?
Saturday, June 12, 2010
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