Thursday, December 15, 2011

life is how you look at it

I'm sitting here working my way through the muck of it all.  I'm trying to take each day, day-by-day or even minute-by-minute.  It's a good way to survive.  Maybe the only way.   I think I'm pretty good at trying to balance and keep things in perspective.  I've written about it before - always maintain perspective.  A search on my site will show a quite few entries all going back to perspective.

It's good.  How do you know if things are good if you don't experience the bad?

So my resolve through this muck is to keep things in perspective.  This week I received an email from the room parent of my son's class.  My 2nd grader's classmate's father was just diagnosed with a brain tumor.  In short order he went from "something is not quite right" to a hastily scheduled biopsy of a brain tumor. 

My problems are not of that magnitude.  And I just have to keep that perspective.  There is a part of me that feels guilty to look at other people's tragedies as something good for me - but it is.  It keeps my perspective.  Now, more than anything, I need that.

I have my health.  My kids have theirs. 

I have a good job.  It pays well.  My boss is great.  The work is stimulating.  The work can be overwhelming but a great distraction.

I have friends.  Lots and lots and lots of supportive friends.

Look at that list.  I really shouldn't complain.  And I will try not to.

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