Saturday, January 28, 2012
status report
So last time I posted it was about my year of growth. Time to measure up and be transparent on my progress towards those things. You all have to keep me honest, keep me looking forward. Sometimes it's tough keeping my head up.
And here's the list:
I picked up an additional night of pool in an effort to bring up my game a bit.
Okay, played my first week. I was nervous as heck even though I know my teammates. Too much pressure on myself but I know I'll settle down.
I will start going to the driving range and get my swing on.
Fail. But I'm going to cut myself some slack on this one. It IS winter (ssshhhh - don't look at the weather in the SF Bay Area as of late because it hardly feels like winter.)
I will exercise more.
Fail. No excuses. Oh well.
I will write more.
Fail, although I will say that I have been practicing better writing habits. In fact, the other night when I was trying to drift off to sleep I had a post whirling around in my thoughts. Instead of being lazy, I grabbed my notebook and wrote it out. Even in draft form I liked it. It was abstract and poetic, not my typical style but one which I'd like to explore. Unfortunately I took the notebook with me on an errand today and misplaced it! At least I have good intentions. Working on it.
I will read more.
Sort of. I've been picking up the pace in general with more free time but haven't increased since this last post.
I will have time to be available for those who might need me.
Yes! Tonight I am having one of my oldest and dearest friends over to toss back a few and relax in the hot tub. It's not just me having a bad time.
I will focus on my career.
Not sure I have much choice on this one. I've been going about 100 mph and I don't see any signs of it slowing down.
I will get some new clothes to help me look good and feel better about myself - one article a month. (I already did a little shopping spree!)
Okay - I'm not counting January because I did my initial shopping spree the day before New Year's Eve. February is right around the corner and my personal stylist (yes, I do have one!) sent me an email the other day asking what I had in mind. This is such a trip. I've never done anything like this. And, for the record, my personal stylist is someone I know from a bar I frequent. I'm not that posh.
I will purge and reinvent and learn.
This is a bit vague. I definitely haven't purged like I need to. I guess I am in the process of reinventing myself and that will just take time. As for learning, I am definitely learning more about myself and it's a good thing - if I can handle it.
On a completely separate note, my last post was my 100th! I don't really pay attention to my stats but when I went to write this one, my summary page said 100 posts. I actually clicked the new post button before it registered and I had to go back for the double-take. I started this mainly because I wanted to participate in the blogging community. I had been reading blogs for awhile, first foodie and then writers and moms. The community was supportive and friendly and convenient. I wanted a piece of that. Now I write more for myself but I'm glad to be here with all the friendship and support. Now I just need to remember to renew my domain name!
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